Interim Management Labyrinth Risk Consulting can provide an experienced Director with more than 10 years of personal investigative, analytical and management experience to manage projects, lead and train staff and interview prospective candidates until the position is...


Internal review of corporate investigations teams Labyrinth Risk Consulting carries out internal reviews as an independent external consultant of in-house research and investigation practices. A regular review of policies, procedures and methodology used by...


Reputational due diligence Whether it concerns a pre-transactional Due Diligence, Pre-IPO Due Diligence, or Self-Due Diligence, this service aims to gather information regarding the legitimacy and identity of the subject and to identify any potential risks to be aware...


Fraud, theft or embezzlement To investigate how this could have occurred, who were responsible or aware and how to strengthen internal controls. It may also include implementing preventative measures, such as whistle-blowing hotlines, ethics policies and third party...


Hostile environment protection This involves assessing physical risks and threats to an organization and its personnel, and mitigating these risks. This may include executive protection, asset protection, site security, maritime security, access control, provision of...